Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 3 Research Questions (RQ)

Module 3 Research Questions (RQ)

Q After completing the assigned reading and watching the lecture videos for this module, write one substantive paragraph (4-6 sentences) for each question below: 1. According to the lectures, where do we find Jesus in the OT? 2. Thinking about the prompts from the lectures, discuss some of the idols you find yourself worshipping. 3. What is spiritual warfare in the OT? Does this kind of spiritual warfare resonate with the NT and your own life? Submit your RQs as a Microsoft Word document.

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There is presence of Jesus in the OT in Exodus 34:6-7 in which there is clear description of God being merciful as well as forgiving. The merciful as well as forgiving God is always known as Jesus. In Jonah 4:2, there is identification of the gracious and forgiving nature of God. In Zechariah 14, there is clear description of the way in which Jesus would return as the king of the world to Jerusalem. There is also presence of Jesus in the Davidic covenant, the Abrahamic covenant, as well as in Isaiah 53 (where Jesus is believed to sacrifice Him for saving the world).